Marine, Jacking & DP Assurance

Our functional acceptance standards are typically above and beyond classification and marine warranty requirements. Our objective is to give real assurance these mission critical systems operate reliably and safety by verifying they capable of working in a live operating environment.
Likewise, with wind farms moving further offshore and increasing in size, more advanced WTIV capability is required increasing the demands on these systems whilst also ensuring the vessel’s environmental footprint is minimised.
Our knowledge and experience can undoubtedly help ensure these objectives are met.
Our specialist jacking system knowledge has seen us involved in hundreds of assurance projects over the past 35 years. We have experience with jack-ups used for a variety of different offshore applications. With the volume of jacking conducted during the installation phase of a wind farm development system reliability is critical.
We have experience providing assurance across a range of jacking system designs (for instance pin and hole, rack and pinion) driven electrically and hydraulically. We are familiar with major jacking system manufacturers such as: Gusto MSc, ZPMC, and Friede and Goldman.
Our capability includes:
DP systems are integral to floating or jack-up WTIVs, for propulsion and positioning. To deliver assurance that the system performs as expected a ‘big picture’ approach is required that goes above and beyond DP FMEA proving trial requirements. In our experience DP FMEAs vary in robustness and as a result often have gaps in testing that could compromise DP operability.
In addition to witnessing DP FMEA tests, our DP audits cover condition and performance assessment of power generation & management, electrical systems, integrated software control systems, thrusters and cybersecurity. We inspect each system in isolation then together as an integrated system to verify the whole DP system and dependent equipment functions as designed under true operational conditions.
Our subject matter experts are OEM trained and experienced in the following systems:
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